Food & Beverage
The Wave Waterpark does not allow outside food or beverages brought into the facility.
Menu for 2024 Season
We have many delicious food options to choose from during your visit. Check out our menu board posted above or see below for our menu selection and prices. Please note items and prices subject to change without notice and applicable sales tax is included in prices. We look forward to serving you at the Surf Spot Grill and Sugar Shack
*Pricing and availability subject to change without notice.
Dietary Needs & Food Allergies: We understand our guests may have specific dietary needs or have food allergies. Although we do not allow outside food or drink inside the park, guests are able to get a handstamp and exit the park to picnic on the grass area. You may visit the office for specific requests regarding food needs. We do have the following list for your reference:
Gluten Free Options: burger or hot dog (no bun), salads (no croutons), baked lays chips, ice cream, shaved ice, Dippin' Dots (Banana Split, Mint Chocolate, Rainbow Ice)
Vegetarian Options: Malibu burger, cheese pizza, salad (no Caesar dressing), nachos, chips, shaved ice, Dippin' Dots, churros.
Vegan Options: Malibu burger, salad (no cheese), baked lays, pretzel.
Soy Free Options: chocolate ice cream, burger (no bun, no cheese), hot dog (no bun), salad (cheese okay), Dippin Dots (Banana Split, Mint Chocolate, Rainbow Ice), shaved ice.